Desperately seeking Inspiration

Have you ever faced a challenge, issue, problem, dilemma, or task, but found yourself at a complete and utter loss on how to tackle it?

This is where you stare into a black abyss, desperately seeking inspiration, with nothing staring back but a void, offering nothing but worry, doubt, despair and anxiety.

I certainly have, on more occasions than I care to recall.

If you’ve experienced the same, then I have good news.  There are some simple techniques you can use to avoid this debilitating turn of events.

These are:

Look around you.  It is easy, when you’re in this position to be transfixed on your situation, like looking down at your feet, thus failing to see where you’re going or how to get there.

You are probably not the first person to be confronted with the issue at hand and more importantly it has undoubtedly been written about.

Embark on a search of the web and you will be surprised at what inspiration you will find.  Also, don’t be afraid to look further afield than your own area of vision, e.g. look at other industries, countries, social class, etc.

Take command.  Being consumed with all the negatives this situation generates, can lead to distraction and to some extent, complacency.

In your own mind, you need to take control, overpower the negative feelings and thoughts and become resolute on overcoming the condition you face.

Your own personal fortitude and determination will drive inspiration to the forefront.

One day I may share my story with you on a situation, which took me to the brink of collapse, but my single mindedness on beating the problem led to my own epiphany and solution.

Give it your attention.  We will often allow ourselves to be distracted by other events or requirements, in the hope that the other situation will either go away or fix itself.

Unfortunately, this course of action seldom leads to success.

Set aside a defined period of time in the day to work on the specific task.  Ensure that you have no disruptions, such as email, phones, people, etc.

Don’t try and force it.  This may seem counter-intuitive to taking command, but it is not.  Psychologists have determined that ‘forcing effort’ works against inspiration.

Let your mind work on it at its own pace.  Jot down ideas as they come, you can always disregard them later if they don’t fit or work.  Give yourself flexibility, as this often generates inspiration.

Try a different environment.  We can be confined in our thinking when we are in the same environment wherein our issue as arisen, as we associate the two as one.

By changing your environment, you break that link and allow yourself a greater freedom of thought.

I’ll leave you with a couple of thought provoking quotes:

Tori Amos said: “Sometimes you need to take a departure from what you do to something that’s slightly different in order to get inspiration.”

Eddie Van Halen said: “There are really three parts to the creative process. First there is inspiration, then there is the execution, and finally there is the release.”How can i help you?

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About Ask Dan

Business Coach, Author, Speaker and Consultant (and really nice guy) with over 30 years experience in improving businesses, through reducing cost, increasing revenue, optimizing performance and enhancing the customer experience.
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